Booking the trip with Nuyouma 

Our priority is for you to have all the information before the trip. That’s why we explain how to book a Nuyouma trip and general terms and conditions.

1. First step: decide the trip you are going to do

The first thing you have to do is decide what type of trip you want to take, depending on your availability, preferences, etc. At Nuyouma we’ll be happy to help deciding and to answer your questions.

When you know what trip you are going to do and the dates, send us an email to book. You can also do it by phone.

2. Booking

When we get your email, we’ll send you a customized program with the final budget, a detailed itinerary and the facilities that are included in the price.

If you are ok with the program, you’ll have to pay a deposit to confirm your booking. This payment can be made by bank transference, or by PayPal (you can find these options on our website). Keep in mind that any bank commission will be on your account.

When we get the payment, you will receive a payment receipt and the booking will be concluded. After that, we’ll keep in touch to continue with the trip planning and with the rest of payments.

3. Changes

If you need to change dates or more people want to come with you, there won’t be any problem. At Nuyouma you will be able to change all you want to plan the perfect trip. There won’t be additional expenditures if you let us know these changes two weeks before the beginning of the trip. However, if you want to change anything after that, you’ll be charged for further efforts.


If you cancel your trip, you’ll have to understand that there will be some costs for the previous work of the agency.  These will be the expenses in the case of a cancelation.

  • If you cancel 4 weeks before the beginning of the trip there will be further charges of 40% of the payment that you have made before. You will get the 60%.
  • If you cancel 2 weeks before the beginning of the trip there will be further charges of 60% of the payment that you have made before. You will get the 40%.
  • If you cancel after that period of time the further charges will be the total amount paid.  

Contact Information

Tel. +34 692 71 48 76